can love happen in 7 days?

Yes! It can
Provided we have defined love.
And that everyone relate to this question and answer is at the same page as far as the idea of love is concerned.

Love has nothing to do with the manmade and worldly conceptions of time and age.
It is generally a very spontaneous thing.

As far as my perspective goes, I think the feelings more or less the same.
But we call it differently
If there is a level of reciprocation from the other side we tend to refer to it as – LOVE
If it is one sided and still new – we call it infatuation.

There is this immense element of magic and irrationality, which is consistent in both love and infatuation.

It’s difficult to draw a line and define either of the two notions completely.
But these are few things I think are common
1. Irrationality
2. Unconditonality
3. Tireless Forgiveness
4. Intense Longing
5. Unconditional Care
6. You taking a secondary position in all thought processes and actions
7. No expectations
8. Blinded of flaws
9. Romance
10. Idea of Beauty
11. Inspiration for Art
12. Life
13. Sexual intimacy
14. Will to sacrifice

These are the feelings we aren’t talking about relationships at all here
There is a fair amount if debate about what the best form of love is
Some say its best when both revel in the joy of the feeling
I however think it’s best experienced by the lover and the beloved when its one sided.
To answer your question – it’s difficult to (I mean impossible) to quantify such feelings. Because they are highly volatile and the human brain isn’t capable of measuring any of the parameters. And if we do, one thing is for sure – ITS NOT LOVE. I am sorry for not answering this the way you would want. Such questions can’t be answered objectively. I am trying to be comprehensive so that the issues become clearer (after taking the natural course of being super complex though)

It might well be possible that the idea of love has been falsely created and exaggerated by the books we read, the movies we watch, the potters we encounter and the songs we listen to. It’s a deeply personal experience and we can’t judge, we shouldn’t judge the quality for the intensity of the feeling – love or infatuation by the standards of, let’s say, the song we hold in our minds as the epitome of the idea of love. We are ourselves to decide. The intention to judge and not the judgment really is in most cases the genesis of most problems. Because it’s unconditional and irrational. It’s too abstract.
(Those might give rise to the question of whether or not the concept of love itself is real. But let’s leave that for another quora question. We will assume it is intangible but very much real for the sake of this argument). Relationships however are rational and can be thought of from a logical perspective.

I am sorry for seeming like have divulged from the topic. This question seems have risen from a need to protect oneself and be cautious and the best way to deal with that is to jot down the priorities. – Relationship or love, being loved or loving someone, exceptions or unconditinality etc

Some also say it’s a purely a chemical and biological phenomenon and has little to do with everything I just mentioned
A little food for thought! I leave you with two great philosophers a little excerpt of what love is and one theory of love.


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