A good teacher rests you with answers,
A great teacher leaves you restless with many questions

— 2012

When an experience is cathartic for the creator, it’s art,

When it is cathartic for the audience, it’s a classic!

— 2013

Western philosophy is a thinking tool,

Eastern philosophy is a living tool!

— 2019

Teaching happens in class

learning happens after it

— 2013

Some pay the price for being different, Some lose value for being all the same


Are the eyes windows to the world outside or the window to the world that lies within ?

— 2016

Affection is about euphoria, Love is about melancholy

— 2014

one step short of spirituality is idolatry, One stop short of the almighty is the guru

— 2014

‘LIKES’ are the social media currency, and we are all sold to it

— 2013

Teaching happens in consciousness

Learning happens in the subconscious

— 2012

Only mind power can beat brain power

— 2012

part of the art’s beauty lies in the artist’s obliviousness to his own finesse

— 2016

For the one who conquers the state of humanism, atheism and feminism are mere estates

— 2018

The thing worse than not studying science at all,

is studying it only during exams

— 2011

yesterday I was learned, so I sought answers, today, I am wise so I seek questions

— 2012

Sale is only the effect

Brand is the cause

— 2014

Limitations feed creativity,

Luxury breeds lethargy

— 2012

In humble classes, a good friendship is defined by similar ideologies,

In higher social classes, it is defined by similar spending patters


School is the temple of knowledge, Does that make teachers gods ?

— 2014

Big ideas for the subconscious, subconscious for the big ideas

— 2012