being a Loner vs seeking company

First of all let me thank you for this beautiful question.
This could be answered beautifully using Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs. This Motivational Theory of Needs suggests that human being get moved by NEEDS. Needs are the driving force behind whatever human beings do. Maslows advanced theory has 8 stages but for now we will keep it simple and refer to his earlier version which has five stages.

To understand the needs and the Behavior of a person we need to understand the level at which a person lives! Let’s consider two categories to make it simpler:

Kashmira's theory of being a loner vs. seeking company

Type I 
For someone who is insecure and doubtful about his life in general this would include everything from relationships, family, job insecurities and financial stability. Since all he cares about is the deficiency and basic needs! The only way he can gain security is by ensuring his family ties and friendships and marriage etc are intact. 
For his goal of life is only that much! Or in this case, the needs go only so far as to satisfy safety security and love. People of his category would naturally tend to LIKE other Peoples Company. But it’s important to understand that the people not just like but also DEPEND or Like because they depend on others .these people mingle 

to other people not just to socialize but actually cling because they tend to feel insecure otherwise. It’s difficult for them to stay with themselves. Because they possibly are unaware of the whole concept of introspection, Self realization, which would lead to self discovery and so forth…

Type II

When you look at the other category they live life at a higher level. This in no way implies becoming a ‘vairagi’ or a ‘sanyasi’ which would mean giving up worldly or materialistic pleasures . It simply and only means that the Person has needs more than just the deficiency or basic needs. When the person starts the process of self discovery or even tries to gain knowledge which sets him on his way to Self Actualization. To understand this Concept better let’s take this little example
Can you imagine a Einstein or coming out of the type1 category?
When you talk to people like the great A R RAHMAN or Sanjay Leela Bhansali
(Please bear in mind that we are looking at people here without any personal biases or judgments)Also here we have sighted the great mean only to because of the kind of Things they have produced and not their Success (for the word success is debatable in itself, which would be dealt with separately) 
You realize that it becomes important to achieve solitude to create something worthwhile. It’s important to dig deeper in solitude to understand what one truly is and also when you start engaging in the process of introspection one would realize that the process is not only ever increasing but also never ending.
And when one finds oneself into his journey it understandably and reasonably becomes difficult for him to relate to anyone else
However again there is another interesting dimension here…
Though a type 2 person likes being to himself most of the time, he still finds it interesting to nag in conversations or discussion with another type 2 person 
This is because although type2 wants to stay alone it is essentially because he would prefer staying away from the majority which would force him into ordinary and mundane things. But when he meets another type2 it becomes a feast for him
A feast for both of their brains BECAUSE THEY GET TO ENGAGE IN SOMETHING WHICH helps them grow and grow closer to knowledge and ultimately self realization!

If some people prefer company and others don’t, I think it is perfectly fine. It is all because of their needs and the stages in which they live!
I hope I have answered your question.


what is the single most revealing thing about any person that you can observe ?


bald guys ?