why do people care whether or not God exists? Isn't it a pointless argument from the beginning?

" yesterday i was educated so i lived with answers...
today i am wise so i live with question! "

the pursuit of answering a question does not come from getting an answer for it

the pursuit may be motivated by several other reasons

many people involve themselves in these arguments simply to engage the higher faculties of the human mind
many others do this to sharpen their reasoning skills
in fact the whole point of philosophical augments (like this one ) is to discover yourself and your potential to think rationally.

even if these arguments do not fetch us a Yes or No answer does not mean that the quest to get and answer is inappropriate.
in fact the bigger questions of life are always lost in the grey areas.
you never get a YES or NO answer for the questions that really matter.
the whole point is to try and make an effort to find and answer because in the process lies tonnes of knowledge and gyan!


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