employability issues in India


I am not concentrating on the material that can be found online

I am treating this project as a display for my original through process and concern for the cause.

However,I will be outlining few key points that help in the direction of the study and the better define the approach

I am trying to more clearly put forward my perspective towards employability, moreover education

Although there might be other ways of solving the employability issues in India , I am concentrating on the one which gives a more comprehensive and 360-degree solution to the problem – i.e. through education

Everything mentioned here is written by me except the ones in quotes

I have mentioned due credit to the source that I have used

I am not using the approach of talking to hiring managers and getting to know what they want in the graduates today and what they feel is missing

I am taking a more holistic view and approach to the issue like I mentioned before

I am instead approaching the problem with a mission to help each individual achieve their full potential, thereby automatically becoming employable.



“Employability is about making connections between study, personal development, and other activities in order to find, gain and be successful in your chosen career, and contribute to society. Developing a strong employability profile will make you much more employable and successful in your career. “

~http://open.Ac. UK


I am putting some statistics that vouch for the employability issues in the country

This is the preliminary data that I could find online

It mentions specifically the employability status of the engineers because it is considered to generate most healthy employment


Employers look for students and graduates who can demonstrate their potential to:

manage and organize resources

make decisions, persuade and influence

manage change

meet challenges and overcome obstacles

display commercial awareness

develop interpersonal skills

use analytical and problem-solving skills

show a proactive approach to self-development


Lack of career counseling

Lack of exposure to real life problems

Ranking and exam culture

Outdated syllabus

Gap between theory and practice

Quality of teachers

Following trends blindly



To guide the study I am starting a few philosophies that are useful and handy in this subject matter.

“ Learning is a gift, even if pain is your teacher”

“ The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant,

We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift”

~Albert Einstein

“ a prudent question is one-half of wisdom “

~Francis Bacon

“ Learning is a gift,

Everything else is just information “

~Albert Einstein

Education is the kindling of a flame

Not the filling of a vessel “

~ Socrates

“ Knowledge is having the right answer

Intelligence is asking the right question “

“Education is not the preparation of life,

It is life itself “

~John Dewey

“ The true purpose of education is to make minds,

Not careers “

My own thoughts and take on the subject has collaborated in the following two lines which I have written over the years

“ Science is a brain hack,

Art is a mind hack “

“ We aren’t closer to becoming a wiser society

Until we stop treating colleges like placement agencies “

“Math science and philosophy are not only subjects “

“ The problem with the education system is that

There is a huge gap between ‘educated’ and ‘academically qualified”

”A teacher affects the conscious

A Mentor nourishes the subconscious“

As far as I have understood the issue it deals with the following:

Perhaps the education system dehumanizes human beings

The problem arises because the schools and education system have limited resources, like any other industry.

They do not have the resources,meaning time patience, manpower etc to cater to every child’s different and special needs

Understandably,this happens because it is mandatory to run any big organization

However because of the system, the kids become all alike

Moreover, the system is biased towards what it is a convenient for them to nurture

Human beings in general and young kids, in general, have their own separate and special talents and skills that aren’t being nurtured

The employers,however, expect us to deliver on our most human talents, i.e. thinking creativity,communication, problem-solving etc

They aren’t expecting anything extraordinary or godly

The challenge is to stop the education from making us ‘un-learn’ our human nature and help to cultivate our human tendencies of thinking and thinking more, aloud and together, about creation and invention, about art and science.

All other problems of employability will be solved as a happy repercussion of preserving our human selves in living lives to the fullest.


It is pretty intuitive that these things have to happen at a young age.

At the age where people kids are most malleable and moldable

I think every kid is as smart and intelligent as any other

However,some kids have the blessing of good schools and conscious parents because of which, they perform better.

Here are few things that one can do to take care of the issues


the worst of all issues is this one

The education system does quite value the mind than it values the brain

by brain I mean – attention, flexibility, speed, problem solving etc

by mind I mean – creative thinking, critical thinking, reasoning , morality

Looking at the people who have made it big, we realize they have a balance of both factors.

The mind is required for the cultivation and birth f great ideas

The brain in required to analyse and execute them

Sadly, most of the people in India, only have one of the two, if at all

There has to be a good balance that we should strike to achieve this.


this is another poorly handled sustain in the country

for a holistic growth of the child, It is important that the student, teacher,and parents have close relationships

relationships aren’t built on monthly or quarterly meetings about the child performance on the basis of marks

Parents should be encouraged to articulate more and fully in the development to preserve their kid as someone special and not just another second standard kid.


Today's world is the word of competencies.

By competencies, I mean the amalgamation of talents, skills,and personality

Skill is a very small part of the entire spectrum of what it takes for one to be successful

E.g. If I want to make my career as a singer, having a degree in music or a having a melodic voice isn’t enough

singing now requires a holistic spectrum of talents and skills

These talents and skills are combined to become competencies

E.g. a successful singer has to have the talent to sing,the skill to perform and the creativity to innovate, the personality of a rock star, etc


There are twoproblems here

First of all, art has no importance at all

What is worse is that science which has been at the crux of the education system has been cultivated very less

Scienceis what helps us think better, question everything, think deeper.

science is not only a generation of information about physics and chemistry, it is also a conditioning to think more and think deeper

Gradually, we grow up we just take the working of the world for granted. We never question why the gravity has no effect on air, how air pressures work inside our bodies.

The condition of art is even sadder

We take art as a luxury and leave it there

Every human being ishuman because he is not a machine

He has the ability tobe creative and thinks different

A hobby like painting for e.g. can give us the tool to think differently about everything and have a different perspective about everything from computers to math.

Math not only gives us the power to solve equation can make calculations it is also our first encounter towards problem-solving

Math develops the attitude of problem solving , applying different techniques and formulas to come at a solution

This aspect of math has a need to be been considered.

We have a very narrow-minded approach to looking at subjects.

It’s when the art and science combine that we find innovations and creations that make history

Unfortunately,the kids today have neither


Most of the kids have neither

Because they were never taught anything at school

Kids with siblings at least learn teamwork

At such times, people with a little innovate tend to become better leaders.

Our schools comprise of class rooms where we have a fixed place and teachers visit to distribute syllabus

There is no mingling,we hardly get to know how different personalities are

This is sad because is only through interactions with other people that we learn more about ourselves


We live in an education system where anything that is rewarded is the answers

We need an education system that rewards questions

It is in the search of the answers to the questions that we ask ourselves that we find innovations, knowledge,and wisdom

It's sad that all of the answers and questions and printed in a text at everyone mugs up

Kids should be rewarded to ask more questions than mug up more answers


Communication is the more important than anything else to survive in the world today

However,the condition of communication skills of people in the country is below minimum levels of expectation

Franz Kafka, says “all language is but a poor translation “

People have neither the required language on the nonverbal skills that are used to communicate

We are shabbily dressed, have little confidence in a small group, leave alone a crowd, most of us have a stage fear.

Language is the first step and is important that we start with that


Most people today who are talented confidence

Most people that are confident have only confidence

The best way to create a self-sustaining system of confidence is to make it them from your talents and achievements

Many times people have s false sense of confidence because it stems from a needs of social status than from self-esteem

It's important that we create system which makes the confidence stem from the internal factors of self-esteem than from external factors of social status and attention


There are many steps to understanding this concept

We should first identify the uniqueness, nurture it and work towards making that the identity of an individual.

Uniqueness lies at the heart if every brand

The education system today creates a system which churns of commodities and no brands


Kids read because they get marks

Hardly anyone reads and learns and studies for the love of the subject itself

Also,the system passes anything who passes with 35% or 50%

How sad is that! that means that everyone who passes any standard doesn’t know 100% of what he should

This is perhaps the biggest factor adding to increasing un-employability

We are passing kids because they are supposed to get the next standard and not because they should learn a particular concept

Kids memorize things to write in the paper and not for knowledge and learning


Humanities is the sociology, psychology,and philosophy

No kid ever cares anything about subjects like moral science value education, perhaps because of the schools and their attitude towards subjects like these

This adds to the immorality of the people in the world

This is what adds to corruption and selfishness of people

It's sad that none of us understand ourselves completely

What sadder is that we haven’t ever made an effort to understand anything about human nature and behavior

Psychology should be a must for every individual for himself first and then deal with the relationships at he is surrounded with

Philosophy gives us the power to think about everything relentlessness.

It develops the attitude to follow an argument or a line of reasoning no matter here it leads

We hardly have people today who think deep. No one wants to double our brains. It is left to rot in almost all cases


Intuition is how the subconscious reveals itself

It isn’t a godly intervention. It is how new ideas pop up

We should teach the kids to develop an attitude to cultivate the nature of being silent listening to what the mind has to say

We are so focused on making people do some job or the other we massively ignore the fact that great ideas come when we are quiet

The education system builds human doings and not human beings

When this happens people start triaging their jobs like work and things like world life balance as stress some to the forefront.


I have outlined few key points where the academic system can be made better

However,people who have already and their schools down have to lose out

There is a lot at one can do even after growing up

In fact, as we grow up, we realize the full in the system and know that we could have done better.

Each of the issues that I mentioned above can be taken care of at any level, at work, and in college.

Neuroplasticity tells us how the brain is always malleable.

It’s a machine like no other.

With a little effort, this problem can be solved.


I have only motioned that struck me at the top of my mind

I have not YET come up with tools and strategies to solve the problems

I am only talking about what needs to be solved

How it has to be is the next step which I have focused on here.


the extent of comedy