how does a brand build a cult following?

This is typically a very important feature of building a brand!
However, there is a little problem with the focus of the question.

Although, having a following is typically what can be seen for most big brands. It is also easy to confuse having a cult following with the goal of the brand. It is important to understand that a fan following of the brand happens eventually. It is difficult to define it as a goal because to achieve evaluate and assess it is a pain.

The underlying point I am trying to drive can be stated in simple terms as:
To better understand the process and the patterns of having a cult following let’s have a few examples in mind. I am deliberately not mentioning any brands here so that we keep all possibilities and illustrations in mind.

Before we elaborate on that, let’s eliminate all misconceptions’ by pondering few relevant questions that we might have about the issue in question here.

 Is a cult following same as brand loyalty?
As far as I understand, Brand Loyalty is a very complicated process. It has elements of imagery, liking, preference, buying, repeat purchase, word of mouth, aspiration and love even. However, brand loyalty is a good indicator of cult following. One cannot have a cult following without having a certain degree of brand loyalty. However, it is also important to realize that brand loyalty ones not always translate into a brand following. If we could take brand loyalty in simple terms on a scale of low to high, the brands with a cult following would fall on the extreme end.

Also, not all brands with high loyalties can have a cult following because the elements of preference and liking are completely eliminated. The most powerful elements of brand loyalty, the most extreme ones that have an effect on cult following is aspiration and love for the brand.

 Brand Owners or Brand aspirers?
Though this is a little ambiguous, I would say that one must have some possessions. One cannot become a member of the cult without owning the brand. If not the brand itself may become merchandise related or of the brand. This is important because it gives you a TICKET to be a part of the club. Since, these brands are typically aspirational in nature; it is difficult to be a part of the club, or an entry into the club without having some tangible, material possession.
Because becoming a part of the club does require some proof to have other members to approve your validity as a cult follower. In extreme cases however I do believe that there could be social groups that could be formed for brand aspirers.
I hope the above discussion helps to get us a little deeper into the issue.
Let’s now try and deal with the more important question now.

 Psyche of the Consumer and the Brand
I am putting this under the same heading because the psyches of the two are intricately intertwined. I am now trying to explore the consumer psychology in the light of the brand. I have come up with few features that best define the behaviors and attitudes of these followers.

 Madness
I have chosen this word, not because of lack of better words but because the precision with which the world defines the behaviors and attitudes of the followers. These people CRAZY about their respective brands. Their behaviors are irrational and difficult to empathize with for normal people. There is an extreme conviction and commitment towards the brand. This might include forgiveness for any faults that the brand might have.

 Sacrifices
Being a part of a social group this niche is a challenge in itself. There might be some downsides of being a part of such a group, like the stigma attached to being a part of such a club. , The cost of rivalry of other fan followers and their clubs. This may also mean losing few things that might be very close to someone.

 Love
Generally this is an important feature of brands having a cult following. When followers are in love with the brand they often let go off their beliefs and attitudes to be a part of the group. Although it is true that people generally like those brands which show a strong perceived resemblance with third own personality, sometimes people might change themselves not consciously but subconsciously to be a part of the cult brand. This happens subconsciously and hence is difficult to believe or see.

But brands are indeed this powerful to touch and change attitudes, behaviors and thus personalities to quite an extent. By love I mean high irrationality, very high forgiveness for the brand, high level of sacrifices and compromises to own the brand – like letting go other investments to spend time and money on/ for/with the brand.

 Personal
These position either material or the intangibles (thoughts and emotions) are very personal. They take these brands and the brand related thoughts very seriously also these experiences are very personal and eventually formulate a very important part of their lives. They do dictate the decisions they make. Take a small example. If I am a cult follower of the brand, I would never choose someone who does not like something which is like a RELIGION to me

 Social elements and exclusivity
There is a very high amount of social elements involved in being a part of such a cult or declaring it in public. There is a social group that you automatically become part of. Being a part of the cult segments automatically becomes prestigious because only a selected few get to be a part of it. This is something to be proud of itself, especially since it’s so to say a ‘limited-edition membership’. It is something to flaunt possess cherish and strive for, and thus automatically something to show off.

 Self-esteem
Self-esteem is an important part of being a crazy brand follower. This gives people a sense of self-esteem and dignity. People take pride and pleasure in owning a certain brand.

 Self-efficacy
People also derive a sense of self-efficacy from the brand; people think and behave in a certain way because they feel in a certain way for the brand. They think she ought to behave in a certain fashion. And feel a certain way act a certain way. These are generally the way they would want to otherwise be. The brand acts like a catalyst or an inspiration.

 Self-image
People find meaning in such brand because these brands give them a sense of self-image. They help these people get a sense of their existence and the way they re.

 Level of involvement
Strictly and only people who show a very high level of involvements Level of Involvement is again a complicated process; It is highly subjective. It differs from person to person, brand to brand and purchase to purchase. However typically with these cult brands, as explained before, have high aspirational elements. Since money is an important factor limiting possession from aspiration, it automatically becomes an important factor in defining the level of involvement. Typically these brands are high ticket items and so the level of involvement naturally tends to be higher. Information gathering is also an important factor of Level of Involvement; these people have a very high LOI because of the time and effort they put in to gather the information and the pride they have in having it.

 Evangelism
Followers have a tendency to be very verbal about the brand they somehow tend to ring the brand name up in their conversations. They also tend to think about it a lot. They tend to make plenty of references throughout their day-to-day life.

More than being indicators of your brand having a cult following; the above factors are most likely indicators of the fact that the brand in moving further up on the scale of differentiation and un-substitutability. These are indicators for the brand manager to look at and concentrate on actively building the brand.

These are the number of factors I can think of at the moment. I think there a lot of other factors that I might not have considered. I will make necessary additions here as and when I find more.

There are few more brand names that I could have included here
But I am sticking to the ones who have a CULT FOLLOWING, not just a Fan Following


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