how can we access and use our subconscious mind ?

“ every conscious thought has birthed in the unconscious “
Dream psychology
It’s the royal route to the subconscious
As in trying to analyses the dreams is a good way to start
Spending time alone gives you a chance for your subconscious thoughts to come out
It’s also a good idea to use the talking cure
The talking cure is of course the Freudian method
He used it on his patient
To help them discover their unconscious
Not discover really but to enter in a slight revelation of a kind
Once you start evaluating these the unconscious thoughts might become clearer
There are many ways to use the talking cure
One way could be writing a diary
Self talking could be another route to the subconscious
Many times talking your heart out to the person who underhands you well
More like an adult or a friend who is mature
Talking to anyone without any inhibitions helps you get to your unconscious
Engaging in actives where the prefrontal cortex is not engaged and only basal ganglia’s do the trick is a good way
Things like cooking taking bath driving etc
Basal ganglia’s are involved in the involuntary activates things that you start doing naturally after a period of time with practice

Obviously without putting anyone’s life at risk is also a good way to do it
This leaves the prefrontal cortex free so it can concentrate on the more important things
Many ideas come to mind at such times
And no matter how conscious they may feel
They have a deep subconscious relation
Every conscious thought is a relation id the subconscious
They only activity we are trying to do there is to give it time and space to surface though the conscious
e.g.: i am writing this is obviously a conscious activity
I haven’t actually thought about this question
It’s only now that I am sitting with this to allow the subconscious thoughts to surface on the consciousness


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